


Manchester Digital asked some of our members what tech trends they anticipate to be driving innovation within the digital sector in 2024. 

这是我们专题的第二部分, 与CTI数字的贡献, NetSPI, WilsonCooke, 印尼盾咨询, 毕马威(KPMG), EZHR, TLT和Fuzzy实验室.

如果你错过了,你可以阅读第一部分 在这里.


根据我们过去12个月的经验, 我们可以对明年的科技行业做出一些轻松的预测. 首先,也许并不令人意外的是,人们将更加关注第一方数据, and it will be interesting to see how businesses navigate the ever-increasing need to handle customer data responsibly with the ongoing push for hyper-personalisation. We’re also likely to see an enhanced offering when it comes to audience segmentation – Google Analytics 4 offers a range of new features, 预测型受众是最有趣、最具潜力的群体之一. Predictive audiences uses AI to suggest an audience based on predictive metrics – think ‘customer most likely to purchase in the next seven days’.

除了这种洞察力和个性化, 我们还将看到在客户体验领域优化客户旅程的努力得到加强, 利用产品页面等工具. 外行人也会越来越容易获得数据, with data visualisation being a key trend for next year – a visual approach to data which connects sources and translates numbers into digestible graphics. 人工智能和机器学习将继续推动这一进程, 因为它使数据解释的任务更快, 更简单,更有效.

还有全球最大的博彩平台人工智能, 当谈到由大型科技公司驱动的市场趋势时, I think we’ll continue to see people lean into AI-generated content – Google will become increasingly open to this sort of content as it tries to push its own AI platform.

当然, the need for sustainable tech will continue to grow exponentially – sustainability will need to be built into the core offering for tech businesses, challenging leaders to put their ESG mission front of mind when creating new websites or offering other digital services. 具体地说, 这可能看起来像是由可再生能源驱动的技术基础设施, 以及碳中和的网络托管. 在CTI, 我们很自豪能够在这一重要任务的前线发挥领导作用, 与我们的技术合作伙伴一起,我们是Umbraco全球可持续发展委员会的成员. 对绿色科技的追求只会变得更加迫切. -史蒂夫·盖尔,首席运营官.

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当我们进入2024年, the entire NetSPI team is looking forward to continuing to innovate and advance security practices through Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). This past year was the proverbial tip of the iceberg with AI; moving forward, organizations have a real opportunity to level up their cybersecurity readiness using emerging technologies to evaluate the security of ML models. 我们期待在AI/ML使用的各个方面看到快速的创新,特别是在基础层面, 通过加强可伸缩性, 识别潜在的恶意交互, 精简培训流程.

另外, 虽然对许多人来说,即将到来的选举年是值得注意的, 政治局势可能会导致更多针对关键国家基础设施的民族国家攻击. 政治聚焦的一年, 随着人工智能的日益普及, 会推动企业倾向于建立强大而高效的支出吗, 随着更多基于软件的解决方案,赋予“永远在线”的心态,以应对当今的威胁形势. 我们将密切关注这一转变. - Nick Walker, EMEA地区总监.

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2024年的绿色科技:生态友好型网络托管 & carbon smart网站

让我们来谈谈你的网站的能量需求. 这不仅仅是全球最大的博彩平台炫酷的图像或吸引人的内容,还包括它的动力. 进入绿色网络托管-网络托管与生态意识扭曲. 越来越多地, 企业选择使用可再生能源和更智能的托管提供商, 节能实践.

We're talking about servers that are energy-efficient and data centres that 优先考虑 eco-friendliness over mere data storage. This shift isn't just good for the planet; it's also aligning with customer expectations. 表现出环境责任的品牌在市场上获得了更多的吸引力和尊重.

现在说到碳足迹. 你的网站有一个,理解和管理它是至关重要的. It's all about acknowledging the environmental impact of your online presence and taking actions to counterbalance it.

Businesses are becoming savvy in tracking their website's carbon emissions and engaging in initiatives like renewable energy investments or tree-planting campaigns. This approach isn't just about reducing emissions; it's a strong message of commitment to environmental sustainability.

随着我们步入2024年,重点正在转向更环保的网络解决方案. From choosing hosting services powered by renewable energy to ensuring our digital footprints are environmentally responsible, 企业正在拥抱这些绿色科技趋势. 它是在为地球做善事的同时保持积极、前瞻性的品牌形象的混合体.

So, in 2024, it's all about making smart choices for your website – choices that contribute to a healthier planet and resonate with an increasingly eco-conscious customer base. 在WilsonCooke,我们很高兴能在我们的工作中更多地融入这一点. 让我们把网络变成一个更绿色的地方! ——Sean Purdy,品牌绩效经理.

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大型语言模型(llm)正在彻底改变我们的数字体验, 对我们生活的各个方面产生重大影响的. 在这个概述中, 我们将深入研究法学硕士是什么, 他们的训练过程, 并探索与它们相关的新兴软件应用程序.

llm是专门训练自然语言的神经网络, 能以多种方式处理语言的. 而参与对话是一个突出的应用, 法学硕士在处理各种任务方面表现出通用性.

法学硕士的培训分为三个关键阶段. 最初, 该模型获取全球最大的博彩平台自然语言的知识, 比如英语, 理解语法, 单词, 还有句子结构. 在这个阶段,许多法学硕士使用维基百科文章作为基础训练数据. 随后, 法学硕士接受特定任务的指导培训, 他们在哪里处理与所需任务密切相关的文档, 比如像OpenOrca数据集这样的问答数据集. 最后的训练阶段, 即从人类反馈中强化学习(RLHF), 包括向模型提供一个问题的各种答案, 让人类团队对它们进行排名. 这个排名告诉模型如何回答问题, 根据人类的偏好来塑造自己的行为.

法学硕士在各种应用中证明了其价值. 超越聊天界面, 他们擅长于检索增强生成(RAG)等任务, 使用户能够有效地查询文档. 此外, LLMs empower the creation of natural language agents to communicate with systems that lack in在这里nt understanding of English, 例如数据库和数据检索系统. 当多个代理组合时, 软件开发公司或玩家团队等系统的复杂模拟变得可行.

总之, 法学硕士代表了机器学习的范式转变, 颠覆了人类与各种数字设备的互动方式. 从增强会话界面到促进复杂的模拟, 这些模式正在重塑数字景观,并推动可能性的界限. - Gil Fernandes, AI解决方案工程师.

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毫无疑问,2023年是生成式人工智能的一年. 但不像一些热门的技术趋势, GenAI不会失去吸引力, 我预计它将在整个2024年成为企业议程的首要议题. 事实上, the 2023 毕马威(KPMG) CEO Outlook survey revealed that business leaders are continuing to invest heavily in generative AI in search of a competitive edge for the future, 将该技术列为中期投资重点.

“尽管如此,我确实预计监管和道德挑战会减缓进展. 在同一项研究中, 63% of UK CEOs said that the current lack of regulations and direction for generative AI within their industry will be a barrier to their organisation’s success. 作为变通办法, more businesses will find ways to use it more securely; for example, 组织开发自己的大型语言模型供内部使用将是很常见的.

“就业务用例而言, 我预计最具变革性的影响将出现在软件开发和维护方面, enabling the faster delivery of more reliable software products and services; video creation and virtual reality, with GenAI creating immersive video game environments and designing 视频; the metaverse, in terms of generating 3D assets; and improved information security, 因为生成式人工智能将教会人们特定漏洞所代表的关键风险, 帮助他们编写合适的脚本或了解威胁参与者的攻击方法. ——David Harrison,英国技术战略 & 转型实践领导.

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随着我们进入2024年,我很兴奋地看到企业如何真正拥抱和利用混合现实. 随着Oculus和苹果新耳机的普及, 现实世界和数字世界之间的界限正变得越来越模糊. 机遇AR, VR and the Metaverse are not just revolutionising the way we interact play and learn in the digital domain but are also reshaping our physical opportunities.

这些空间在过去几年的发展, 还有我们的工作方式, is creating opportunities to create ‘real’ environments to enable people to experience and develop in real-life scenarios. 这对培训有着深远的影响, 教育和创造生活体验, 它使无风险的发展和体验式学习远离教室和复选框形式. 这是最真实的主动学习形式.

这种AR和VR的结合带来的不仅仅是游戏, 事实上,它允许团队开发高度复杂和重复的技能来创造肌肉记忆. We’re starting to see the impact in sports with VR training to rehabilitate professional athletes from long term and complex injuries. T在这里 is nothing to suggest that we can’t do this with engineering and situation skills to help people feel supported and think clearly under pressure.

The concept of time-served experience can be a thing of the past with the creation of a meritocracy through the hours people are prepared to put in their development in immersive worlds. This space is not just about gaming or social media; it's an evolution of the internet as we know it, 支持新形式的协作, 创造力, 以及在现实生活中的发展. ——Alastair Swindlehurst, EZHR创始人

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TLT是一家快速发展的商业律师事务所. 帮助客户预测未来需求, 我们投资建立了FutureLaw, 一个专注的创新团队. 我们采用智能技术,确保质量,提高效率, 授权客户参与他们的业务和战略思考. 让客户领先一步,为接下来的事情做好准备.

过去几年,企业发生了迅速的变化. 反过来, their in-house legal teams are under increasing pressure to transform; to be more productive and more strategic, 为公司更广泛的目标做出贡献. 

传统上,内部法律团队通常被视为“拦路虎”。. 法律部门一直在努力改变这些观念. 他们想要创造和展示价值, 直接有助于成功的商业成果和提高声誉. 

Our ‘TLT Concierge’ solution was brought about as a direct result of the complaints we were hearing (and continue to hear) from our clients’ in-house legal teams. 这是一个先进的法律前门,有助于管理, 优先考虑, 自动化和分析法律工作. 凭借数据驱动的洞察力,展示了内部法律团队的价值. 

利用智能技术, 我们帮助我们的客户捕捉和分析法律, 商业和市场数据, 看趋势, 识别新的商业机会,为组织创造价值. 我们倾听客户的意见,帮助他们专注于真正满足他们需求的解决方案. 

技术并不总是解决问题的答案,而是通过与人的结合, 工艺与技术相结合, we can make sure our clients are solving the right problems and capturing the right data to help them to demonstrate their value. 每个需求都是不同的,以需求为导向,而不是以技术为导向, 我们帮助客户避开炒作. -尼古拉·比尔纳,基拉·戴尔,托马斯·斯通

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2023 has been a big year for generative AI and we have spent a lot of it building open source large language model solutions for our customers. 毫无疑问,这将在2024年继续下去.




后两者对我们的公共部门客户尤为重要, and we eagerly anticipate contributing to discussions about these challenges and aiding in the development of engineering solutions to advance these fields.

首先,让我们谈谈多模态生成模型. 而2023年主要关注生成文本, 大型科技公司最近开始发布以生成图像为中心的模型, 视频, 和音频. 探索Meta的Emu(视频和图像)和Audiocraft(你猜对了) ... audio!).


随着人工智能变得越来越普遍, 人们将越来越多地考虑在生产中部署这些工具的含义, 尤其是在网络安全风险方面. This encompasses the potential compromise of data and the exposure of new 'attack vectors' on IT infrastructure. 许多研究项目和创业公司在这一领域都很活跃, 我们期待看到大企业, 特别是, 将开始采用这些新的网络安全工具,因为他们寻求拥抱人工智能,同时降低风险.

最后, 2023年底,人工智能安全成为热门话题, 在首届英国人工智能安全峰会上达到高潮. 虽然到目前为止有很多讨论,但我们预计2024年将采取具体行动. 鉴于这项技术将对我们的世界产生重大影响, 建立治理和控制以防止任何不利后果是至关重要的. We hope that the open-source community will play a significant role in contributing to AI safety by developing solutions that instil trust and transparency in AI systems. ——首席执行官汤姆·斯托克顿

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